Books I Want to Read in 2021

Although I’m a strong believer in setting goals at any time of the year and not waiting till the year rolls over to the next, there’s something about the new year that brings a fresh start and a good time frame in which you can think of what you would like to accomplish and then plan the ways at how you might accomplish it.

One goal I want to set for 2021 is to read more. I typically read a few books a year, but I know I have time to read more.

Here are the books I would like to read or reread, in 2021. I have no idea if I will accomplish reading them all, but I do know I can make a time commitment each day and if I stick to it, I will have accomplished my goal of reading more:

Reading Now

Atomic Habits by James Clear: I started reading this book last week and so far I like what I have read. I think this book will fall into the category of being extremely helpful.

Want to Read

Essentialism by Greg McKeown: This book has some great reviews and I want to reread it this coming year.

Getting Things Done by David Allen: I like the whole GTD methodology, but feel I need to reread this book as it’s been several years since I last read it and I’m sure I’ll learn something new as I work through it again.

The Hidden Secrets of Money by Nathan Sloan: I purchased this book in November, although I don’t remember what triggered me to buy it. But, it’s certainly something I want to read this coming year.

Demand Side Sales 101 by Bob Moesta: I read about this book when Jason Fried of Basecamp wrote about it on SignalVNoise. I purchased it and it’s ready to be read.

Personality Isn’t Permanent by Benjamin Hardy, Ph.D.: This book was introduced to me by one of my software engineering instructors at BYUi when he spoke about it on his YouTube Chanel.

They Ask, You Answer by Marcus Sheridan: Another interesting book about answering the questions your customers have.

Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth: I’m not sure what to expect with this, or in other words, I ordered it a while back and cannot remember why. I like the idea of passion and perseverance though and am sure it will learn a lot from it.

1984 by George Orwell: This is different from what I would normally read, but a good friend recommended it to me recently.

Change by Design by Tim Brown: I saw the term “Design Thinking” and wanted to read more about it, so I purchased the book.

The Four Dilemmas of the CEO by Tom Biesinger, Ross Wall, and Clifford Herbertson: I met Tom back in the late ’90s, and also know Clifford Herbertson and some of his family, so I purchased the book. I have no idea what to expect, but looking forward to reading the book.

Big Ideas… For Small Businesses by John Lamerton: I run a small business, so purchased this because of a review I read somewhere that recommended it.

Routine Machine by John Lamerton: As this book and the last are next to each other in my Kindle library, it seems I purchased them together. Another one I am looking forwards to reading.

ReWork by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson: I like the work that the people of Basecamp create. I use Basecamp for some of my own projects and like some of the thoughts that they share on SignalVNoise. I write software for work and think I will benefit from reading this book.

Remote by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson: Another book by the people of Basecamp, this time about working remotely (which I have been doing since about 2012). It will be good to read their ideas on working remotely.

4 Disciplines of Execution by Sean Covey, Chris McChesney, and Jim Huling: This was recommended to me at a place where I did some work earlier in 2020. I never completed the book but would like to do so in 2021.

Designed to Stick by Rick Jesse: I don’t know when I purchased this book, but because it’s about small business and starting up, it’s on my list.

It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson: I really like the thoughts behind this book. Lots of startups seem to think that you need to put in double or triple hours each week to be successful, but Jason and David teach here that it doesn’t have to be this way. Or at least that is what I think it is about.

Six Memos for the Next Millennium by Italo Calvino: I have no idea what to expect with this one, but I’ll give it a try.

The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman: If I remember correctly, this book is meant to be read a little bit each day. I’ll begin on Friday 1st Jan 2021 and see how it goes.

How Will You Measure Your Life? By James Allworth, Karen Dilon, and Clayton Christensen: I think many people want to know how to lead a fulfilling life, which is what the description mentions at Amazon. I am familiar with some of Clayton’s books, so would like to read this one.

Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker: I don’t get enough sleep and would like to learn about what problems that can cause in my life. I hope this book answers those questions.

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot: One of my instructors at BYUi recommended this book to students in the class, so I ordered it.

Man’s Search For Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl: A friend sent me this book as a gift when I left the hospital several weeks ago. I’m looking forwards to reading this one. It will probably be the second book I read this year.

I am about one-third of my way through the list of books and will add more over the coming days. Perhaps I am being optimistic about what I will read this coming year, but as mentioned earlier, I will measure my success by how much time I spend reading each day, and even more so by the way it may or may not change how I think and act.

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